Now, tears suppose to drop whilst seeing people who we have just known in count of month stepped living us away. I don’t really like to say Good Bye to people who I’ve ever known. This means I don’t expect to end up the meeting and having a farewell such like this.
We met with 4 students of IOWA University who aimed to have their 2 months pre-training as teachers before officially graduating from their University. At the first time, we didn’t really seem to close with them until finally we found out if they actually nice to talk with. They had their own style of teaching which we considered different with our teachers have. We thought it was only because their background is a lot different. We spent our great time with them.
They are all nice. They could appreciate our way of behavior in our daily life and we did too. We sometimes made such a joke with them, as they didn’t really know about our local cultures. Then bit by bit we introduced them about our basic words and they seem quit difficult to thought many differences of their cultures and our cultures. They are such easy going guys, as in a week they really dare to help us to prepare our speaking exam which suddenly done by school. They gave us tips on how to conduct a good speaking like the real English Native speaker. Finally, in the next day we could do our speaking exam well. We thanked them a lot.
Before leaving, they used their last 2 hours in Indonesia before flying to USA to have a meet and greet with us in our school’s hall. We gave them our last impression by giving them souvenir, singing, and taking a whole-school picture. We hope our meeting will not just end like this. I hope we could meet again later in another occasion. Keep in touch with us, guys. We’ll share many more things.
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