A beginning of May seems bring such a new spirit to everyone. I just couldn't really concern when I realize the month has changed, it supposes to don't happen to everyone's life. For me my self I got so exhausted to face this month, as I will be sitting for my IGCSEs. So, the big possibility for my friend and I to have a very tough revision weeks to prepare the exam.
Last week, we've been starting the new schedule of night study which completely tiring all of us. So, the new regulation is every students suppose to study in classes at 8 p.m until 9.30 p.m. It basically done because our house master often to see students just play or did such quite not important thing when they actually need to study. I sometimes study in my room even though it hard to minimize the sound as we have 8 room mates in one room ( of course all my room mates are girl), so i just put my ear phone on and turn such a mellow song. Then not long after that i got so sleepy and I fell asleep. Yes, It didn't guarantee me that I will stay longer when I studied in my room, so I thought the new regulation made by our house master is help me so much on this problem.
Dealing with all the revision guide every night didn't turn me bored seeing the same types of question all the time. It's worth to know that I should get the best result after studying for about 1 and 8 months for the examination which I will sit in. I just don't want to waste my time to do such unimportant thing, cause I know I should put my self all the time with groups of books that I need for my exams. Now, I'm practicing my self for the exam.
Just beneath of my mind I need sometimes to got a certain time for me to relax my self, but unfortunately i couldn't get such relaxing time in every time I want. I just didn't like when i need my modem to browse I got my modem in trouble of connection. it badly made me couldn't post anything on this blog. Not only that made me couldn't update my post so often, it because I just don't have time to even stare at any thing apart from my books (it's badly terrible).
Let's count for has been how many months I deal and wait for my placement of my exchange program. I thought it's been around 4 months for me to got to know of the exact placement that I suppose to get. Then I got worried when knowing 3 of my friends who involve as the participants have been knowing in which state they will be hosted. I just keep praying to get the best for me. Just to give you a quick note, I will soon turn to 16 :D. Wish I could get my self better when I will have been in that age.
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