I am at the top of the hill!
Last Week, January 7, 2011. Phil (My Local Coordinator) and I were skiing in Welch Village (It's about 35 minutes from my home).I heard the word skiing, but honestly honestly I personally never tried it before. Anyway, it was such a very fun activity. If anybody go to Minnesota, they should try this downhill ski! As usual, it was saturday. As my routine, I woke up at 7 a.m. prayed then continued sleeping (Hehehehee ----> Don't blame me because it was still really dark and I.. just easly felt asleep). Anyway, at 10 I was ready with all my skiing gear. I did not bring my ski, I only prepared my winter coat, winter pant, and gloves. Then at 10.30.. Tadaaaaaa... Phil came. We directly headed to the ski are. (Phil never went to this place before). So, we read the map, and we almost just missed one route. We really enjoyed our conversation. Hehehe. But finally we arrived in the Welch village where we were going to ski. The first time we saw the skiing place, we wondered about the entrance. Because the direction that we got do not really show the exact place. Anyway, it was so weird for me because in the skiing place we can see such a really thick snow. Meanwhile the area surround the ski place was just completely dry!. We got to the entrance. And here is my picture in the entrance by holding Phil's ski board.

In the entrance
BY then, we headed to the ski learning center and rent the ski shoes, ski board and helm for me. I took level 1 ski lesson, it means the lesson for those who never goes ski before and I was one of them. The most horrible part was when I tried the ski shoes. I felt so weird wearing that. Because once you put it on then you walk, you will feel that you walk on the moon. And if you tied the shoes too TIGHT, your feet will definetly hurt so bad! Anyway, I was not the only one who walked that way, peole there walk the same. But stil, I think most of the poeple has been usual with that. My ski instructor came after I was ready with all the ski gear. His name is Sasha. He is actually a Russian (I noticed his accecnt at the first time he talked to me. I am so Proud!! :D). He moved to America 20 years ago. Anyway, My lesson ran so quickly (it was only an hour lesson). I though it was not that difficult, though, I fell down couple time (as usual). I was so nervous by the time I should moved down from the lift. Because I was so afraid that I would fall. When I was accompanied with my instructor, I was okay. But, When I was withPhil, I passed the board of the girl who fell in front of me. At that time, I was so afraid that I would break her snowboard. But Phil told me that she was fine. Anyway, after an hour lesson I can skiied without my instructor!!!!!! :D What a pride. I skiied with Phil the rest of the day. What I like from ski was I really enjoyed when I move down. I can make curve and alo when I move down really fast basically I can passed the uphill. BUt, I needed to be really careful becuse I should not cruch people who did ski in front of me. I think fro my first ski, I chose to go to the easy level hill. I just did not wat to fall and rolling over from the hill. Hehehehe. It was so much fun. The next day, my body was sore (not too bad though). It was Sunday, thankfully. So, I can rest after back from church. Thank You Phil, it was such a wonder ful day!

My skiing form (Leaning Forward)
I just passed Phil from uphill
I with my ski-board and stuffs
On the lift (Phil with his chicken's hat)
Say Cheese! (End of my skiing day)
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